Classroom Resources

Cultural Presenters


The Indigenous Education Department has a listing of many Indigenous resource people to support teachers in integrating Indigenous content into their curriculum. These resource people are available to any class in the district and will be paid for by the INED department.

Complete the form below and return to the INED department each week by Tuesday afternoon for payment to be ready for Friday.
Our goal is for the presenter to be paid day of workshop given.
There are times that this will be impossible and payment will be the following week.
If the workshop is cancelled the payment is to be returned to the INED department

In addition to our own Indigenous Education staff, we are fortunate to have many community members available to be Cultural Presenters in schools. They can enhance awareness and visibility of local Indigenous history, language and culture. They can also be a great source of local knowledge on field trips. We encourage staffs to include Cultural Presenters as one way of Embedding Indigenous Ways of Knowing into their classrooms and curriculum.
Indigenous Education staff should be involved in the planning of Cultural Presenter visits. Indigenous Education staff should be the ones who invite the Cultural Presenters. They should also help with the Cultural Presenter Forms. Almost all schools have Indigenous Ed staff at their sites now. If more information or help is required, please feel free to contact us at Indigenous Education:

Cultural presenters are available for the following topics:

  • Government and Land
  • Fried Bread and Bannock
  • Drumming and Dancing
  • Traditional Foods and Cooks
  • Bone Game
  • Traditional Plants and Trees
  • Fishing and Fisheries
  • Elders – Cowichan Culture and Protocol
  • Canoes and Canoe Paddling
  • Art & History of the Coast Salish
  • Hul’q’umi’num’ Treaty Group
  • Métis Culture
  • The Fur Trade
  • The Métis Sash
  • Métis Music and Dance
  • Métis Transportation systems

Social Media

Follow the Indigenous Education Department on social! We’ll do our best to keep the website up-to-date but for all current events and details check us out on Facebook or Instagram.

Video Resources

Spend some time with Cowichan School District Elder Dolly Sylvester while she helps us understand more about the Cowichan culture or learn some the ‘Hul’q’umi’num’ Word of the Week’