Teaching Resources
These resources have been developed by the Aboriginal Education Department for enhancement and integration. Permission is granted for the duplication of these resources for educational and non- profit uses only. For all other duplications or uses please contact Aboriginal Education Department, School District #79 Cowichan Valley.
Coast Salish Design Elements

Spirit Pole
Spirit Pole design and illustration by Carey Newman
Snuhwulh/Canoe cut out
This is in the Salish inspired canoe that can be cut out an glued together.
Bent Cedar Boxes print outs
These templates could be used when teaching students the story of the S-hwu-hwa’us (Thunderbird) and Q’ul-lhanumutsun (Killer Whale). This story is central to the Cowichan People.
Alphabet Book
‘Uy’ netulh (Good Morning) ‘Uy’ skweyu (Good Day) ‘Uy’ Snet print outs
Orange Shirt Day
This pdf file contains information and links to resources that will support schools in recognizing Orange Shirt Day
Coast Salish House Posts
This is a hands on craft activity for younger students. The package also includes the information necessary to talk to students about the difference between “Totem Poles” and Coast Salish House Posts. We would like to thank Laura Antione, Wendy Charles, Stuart Pagaduan and Kim Anderton for their contribution to this activity.
Sht'aal'us Colours print out
This book was created to support students learning colours in Hul’q’umi’num’. Students can can colour the images and write the Hul’q’umi’num’ below. When cut along the dotted line it can be bent into a small booklet.
Quw’utsun Syw’entst Banner
We would like to thank Cowichan Tribes and the Elders Committee for permission to share these teachings in our schools. We would also like to thank Rita George-Green for creating the banner and her work with Cowichan Tribes.
Alphabet with Salish Design
Created by Rita George Green
Hummingbird Alphabet
By Rita George Greene & Stuart Pagaduan
Aboriginal Veterans

This document highlights contributions of Aboriginal peoples to the Canadian Military. Links to government publications and local newspaper articles are included Aboriginal_Veterans.pdf
Coast Salish Image Library
Our Coast Salish image library was created to provide our schools with authentic images that are done in the style of the local First Nations. The Cowichan Valley School District’s Stuart Pagaduan along with Maynard Johnny Jr. created these images.
Black and white with border
Black and white outline with border
Black and white with no titles
Colour with titles
Colour with no background
Colour with no titles
Outline with no colour
This was a collaborative project between myself, the Indigenous Education department and a sweet little group of Kindergarten children who were enjoying a super-low tide on a beautiful spring day
Social Media
Follow the Indigenous Education Department on social! We’ll do our best to keep the website up-to-date but for all current events and details check us out on Facebook or Instagram.
- Cowichan Valley School District Indigenous Education
- @cowichanschoolsindigenoused
Video Resources
Spend some time with Cowichan School District Elder Dolly Sylvester while she helps us understand more about the Cowichan culture or learn some the ‘Hul’q’umi’num’ Word of the Week’