Hul'qumi'num Dictionary
This material is based on research projects carried out by Prof. Tom Hukari, Ruby Peter, and various Elders in the Hul’q’umi’num’ speaking community from the early 1970s on into the 1990s. Special thanks go to the Cowichan Tribes for their participation in the 1990s and to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for numerous supporting grants. Huy tseep q’u to all Elders who shared their knowledge of Hul’q’umi’num’. It was transliterated into practical orthography and re-formatted by Donna Gerdts in May 2013. Please report any corrections, comments, or additions to This work is designed to be used electronically, not printed and distributed. We hope that this will help with efforts to read, write, and speak the language, as well as to develop teaching materials and to help study the structure of Hul’q’umi’num’. All Hul’q’umi’num’ data is in Arial font, while English is in Times. To search for words in just one language, please select font in the find function.
Ruler of the Forest
yuw’i’na’qws tthu hwthuthiqut
Web Based Ruler of the Forest
This version is only available when you have an internet connection.
ePub File Ruler of the Forest
This is a file that is downloaded to your system it is an enhanced book that does not require an internet connection.
We raise our hands in thanks to all of our elders, past and present who have kept this story alive.
Thank you to:
Ruby Peter for this version of the story Thomas Jones for reading the story Sally Hart for illustrating the story. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
ISBN: 978-1-927578-20-9
Consulting linguist: Donna Gerdts, Simon Fraser University Sound recording: Zak Cohen, Woodshop Recording Studio Digital media production: Heather Stannard, Westview Learning

Project Partners: BCcampus OPDF Grant, Coast Salish Employment and Training Society, Royal Roads University, School District 68 Nanaimo, School District 79 Cowichan, Simon Fraser University, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Vancouver Island University
Elders advisory group:
Philomena Alphonse, Ruby Peter, Laureen Charlie and Dora Wilson
Hul’q’umi’num’ Sxwi’em’
Welcome to our Hul’q’umi’num’ Sxwi’em’ (stories). Come in and listen to our stories. We hope that they will help you to learn and enjoy the Hul’q’umi’num’ language. We are Coast Salish. Our home is along the Salish Sea on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Browse through the collection of videos, transcriptions, translations, lessons, and more. M’i nuw’ilum ’i’ ta’ult tthu hul’q’umi’num’!
Website created by Michelle Parent
Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group
The following resourses are avaliable through the Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group:
Hul’qumi’num Snuhuwmuhw: Place names maps of the HTG traditional territory
Alphabet Chart
Hul’qumi’num language alphabet chart
Animals Guide
Hul’qumi’num language illustrated guide to animals
Berries and Shoots Guide
Hul’qumi’num language illustrated guide to berries
Birds Guide
Hul’qumi’num language illustrated guide to birds
Fish Guide
Hul’qumi’num language illustrated guide to fish
Oddballs Guide
Hul’qumi’num language illustrated guide to snakes, bees and slug
Hul’qumi’num language illustrated guide to plants
Seafood Guide
Hul’qumi’num language illustrated guide to seafood
Trees Guide
Hul’qumi’num language illustrated guide to trees

Social Media
Follow the Indigenous Education Department on social! We’ll do our best to keep the website up-to-date but for all current events and details check us out on Facebook or Instagram.
- INED Facebook page
- INED on Instagram
Video Resources
Spend some time with Cowichan School District Elder Dolly Sylvester while she helps us understand more about the Cowichan culture or learn some the ‘Hul’q’umi’num’ Word of the Week’