Hul'q'umi'num Greetings (Level 1)
The attached PDF file contains the images for each word complete with a QR Code linked to the sound file, read by Darlene Sylvester.
’Uy’ skweyul | Good Day |
’Uy’ netulh | Good morning |
’Uy’ snet | Good night |
’Ii ch ’o’ sthuthi? | How are you? |
’I tsun ’o’ sthuthi | I am well (fine) |
Hee’ | Yes |
’Uwu | No |
Tth’ihwum | Please |
Huy ch q’u | Thank you |
Namut kwu | You are welcome |
Hey’ewulh | Good bye |
’Uy’ kwunus ’i lumnamu | It is good to see you |
Tl’o’ ’uy’ kwunus ’i lumnamu | It is also good to see you |
Xe’ xe’ smun’een | Sacred children |
tth’i’hwum ‘i’ nuw’ilum tseep | please come in (plural) |
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- Cowichan Valley School District Indigenous Education
- @cowichanschoolsindigenoused
Video Resources
Spend some time with Cowichan School District Elder Dolly Sylvester while she helps us understand more about the Cowichan culture or learn some the ‘Hul’q’umi’num’ Word of the Week’